Catching up
We just got back the other night from Hawaii and I'm am still catching up and adjusting to the time change. I came back to a bazillion emails at work and have to spend part of this weekend working on some projects that need to be done by tomorrow. I'm going to post about our trip with some pictures as soon as I have a free moment.
We had a great time and wouldn't you know it, I got sucked into the Twilight series. I finished the books I had brought on vacation early, so a friend that was with our group lent me her copy of Twilight. Even with all of the hoopla and craziness surrounding the series, I really didn't have any interest. I really don't do anything besides classics and chick lit. However, the thought of a 5 hour plane ride with nothing to do was enough reason to give it a try. The first bit of the book I was still somewhat skeptical but after awhile it got good! I am definitely hooked! So as with anything that I get obsessed with, I like to scour the internet for more information. I know there are message boards but when I googled it, it brought up so many. If you have any recommendations of good ones to go to, please please let me know!!